One last race. We will be skiing in the Infinity Bowl II with the Math and Science Academy on Tues Feb, 9th at Lake Elmo. The meet will start at 4:48pm. The unusual start time is to include 8 and two factors, as the figure eight is the symbol of infinity.
This will be an informal meet with an interesting start and finish. Details will be released later. MSA has promised S'Mores.
We will not have a bus and encourage car pooling. If rides are a problem please contact coach Anderson. Our goal is for this to be a fun event that ends the racing with a enjoyable ski. No need to wear uniforms, but silly hats are encouraged.
Banquet Info.
Our awards banquet will be on Thursday, Feb. 11th at 6 pm in the Middle School IMC. Please Check back on what to bring.
Middle School Library
Please bring the following:
Last names:
A-E Salad
F-M Main Dish
O-Z Dessert
*Bring your own beverage*
Paper products will be provided.
Please bring in any gear that your skiers have outgrown or no longer use. This may be a convenient time to have our own little gear swap.
A note from the Booster Club: “in lieu of a team fundraiser this year please consider a family donation to the Simley Nordic Booster Club at the banquet. Thank you for supporting Simley Nordic.”