Monday, February 10, 2014

2013-2014 Simley Nordic Ski Awards Banquet

Nordic Ski Banquet
Tuesday February 18th, 2014
Middle School Library
Please bring the following:
Last names: A-L Main Dish
N-P Dessert
Q-Z Salad
*Bring your own beverage*
Paper products will be provided.
A note from the Booster Club: “in lieu of a team fundraiser this year please consider a family donation to the Simley Nordic Booster Club at the banquet. Thank you for supporting Simley Nordic.”

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Results for Classic Suburban Conference Championship & Section 1 Championship Next Tues.

Our skiers worked very hard on a challenging course.  Here's a link to the results.  Season is ending quickly.  The Section Championship Race will be Tues. at Valleywood Golf Course.  Very similar schedule to Last Race with Girls going first.  Competition is stiff.  The following skiers will race.  Other High School team members may attend to support their team.

Simley Spartan Nordic
Girls' Team

Boys' Team