Monday, December 23, 2013

Canceling Practice for 12-23-13 Due to Cold

-19 windchill is forecast at practice time today, so practice is cancelled.  Stay warm and enjoy the holiday time with your family.

Monday, December 9, 2013

First Meet @ Sibley High School. We expect to start at 3:30, or as soon as all teams arrive.

The recent snow has allowed us to ski our first meet locally.  This is good news and will allow MS band members to participate.  We should be back at the school with the bus around 5:15pm.  Parents can also pick skiers up at Sibley.

Please help your athlete dress for the weather.  We will be well within temperature safety guidlines set up by the Minnesota State High School League, but it will still be brisk.  A healthy snack is also helpful.

The Varsity race will be aproximately 5k.  The JV race will be about 2.5k.  There will be plenty of new skiers on the snow for all teams.  We look forward to a fun day.  Here's a link to the trail map.

Parents are asked to park in the South parking lot at the corner of 110 Frontage Road and Delaware Ave.

View Larger Map

Fun Winter Trivia: What's the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth?  Answer

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Trollhaugen Trip Canceled : (

Weather forecasts are predicting  Around 0F temperatures and wind speeds of approximately 15mph.  This puts wind chill temps close to -20F.  Minnesota High School League Rules say we must cancel if the air temp is less than -4 or if the windchill is less than -20.  We would likely be within limits, but accomplishing our objectives for the day would be too difficult.  

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Teasing of Snow & Trip to Trollhaugen Thursday, Dec. 5th

 Winter is coming, but not fast enough.  Thursday, Dec. 5th we will be loading a bus after school and heading to Trollhaugen in Dresser WI to give skiers a chance to see snow and try out gear prior to our first meet on Tuesday Dec. 10th.  We expect to be back at the school around 7pm; students will call from the bus when we start getting close to the school.  

We encourage all skiers to participate in this outing.  Our MS band members will miss the first meet to perform their best at the concert next week. This will be their only sure chance on snow until our second meet.  New skiers will have a first opportunity to get coached in technique and to be shown how meets work.  If your athlete will not be able to attend please email coach Sedler or Coach Anderson

The following will help make this a good trip for the skiers.
  • The forecast looks like it will be cold.  Please check the weather and  help make sure your athlete is dressed appropriately.  We also like students to have warm clothes in the event that the bus has mechanical issues.
  • Please send a healthy snack for before skiing and a nutritious meal for the trip home.  Eating on the bus will save time on a school night.
  • Make sure your skier has boots and poles.  We are getting 10 new sets of skis and should be able to fit everyone.
  • We recommend not bring valuables, as secure storage can be an issue.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Spirit Wear Order Form

Here's the Link to the order form.  I wasn't able to copy the form into our blog.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Conference Meet Schedule (See Bottom for Non-Conference Meet Info.)

TUESDAY, DEC 10, 2013
Nordic Ski: N/A Meet3:30pm
Away vs. Henry Sibley,Mahtomedi, North, Richfield, Simley, St. Thomas Academy, Tartan
Henry SibleySkate-Back up is 6PM @ Trollhaugen

TUESDAY, DEC 17, 2013
Nordic Ski: N/A Meet3:30pm
Away vs. Tartan,Henry Sibley, Mahtomedi, North, Richfield, Simley, St. Thomas Academy
Lake Elmo Park ReserveClassic - Back up is 6PM @ Trollhaugen

TUESDAY, JAN 07, 2014
Nordic Ski: N/A Meet3:30pm
Away vs. Simley,Henry Sibley, Mahtomedi, North, Richfield, St. Thomas Academy, Tartan
Cottage Grove RavineSkate-Back up is 6PM @ Trollhaugen

THURSDAY, JAN 09, 2014
Nordic Ski: N/A Meet3:30pm
Away vs. St. Thomas Academy,Henry Sibley, Mahtomedi, North, Richfield, Simley, Tartan
St. Thomas Academy7-8-9th grade race...Skate

TUESDAY, JAN 14, 2014
Nordic Ski: N/A Meet3:30pm
Away vs. St. Thomas Academy,Henry Sibley, Mahtomedi, North, Richfield, Simley, Tartan
Lebanon Hills Regional ParkClassic-Back up is 6PM @ Trollhaugen

THURSDAY, JAN 23, 2014
Nordic Ski: N/A Conference Relays3:30pm
Away vs. Mahtomedi,Henry Sibley, North, Richfield, Simley, St. Thomas Academy, Tartan
Mahtomedi High SchoolCl/Sk - Back up is 6PM @ Trollhaugen

TUESDAY, JAN 28, 2014
Nordic Ski: N/A Meet3:30pm
Away vs. Mahtomedi,Henry Sibley, North, Richfield, Simley, St. Thomas Academy, Tartan
Mahtomedi High SchoolJV Champs-Skate

THURSDAY, JAN 30, 2014
Nordic Ski: N/A Conference Championships10:00am
Away vs. TBA,Henry Sibley, Mahtomedi, North, Richfield, Simley, St. Thomas Academy, Tartan
Battle Creek Regional ParkCl/Sk - Back up is 6PM @ Trollhaugen

Saturday, Jan 11,2014 Biwabik Invitational @ Giant's Ridge.  We will be leaving very early and sharing a coach bus with Tartan and North St. Paul.  We will return fairly late.  We'll provide more specifics prior to the meet.  We will only be traveling with our older and more advanced skiers.

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014 Section 1 Championship @ Valleywood Gulf Course, Apple Valley 10:30 am -4pm.

Other Dates?  If we have snow we will be adding some other races that favor younger/newer skiers.  Hopefully some of these will be home meets.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Parent Meeting Thursday November 14th, 2013 @ 6pm in Simley Library

This meeting is for all Nordic Parents.  We will go over expectations, equipment and hear from the Booster Club.  Let's come together to create an outstanding season.  The meeting will be in Simley's Library.

Simley Nordic Expectations

1.  Being a member of the Spartan Nordic Ski Team is an honor and aprivilege.  It provides a chance to develop your body and mind.  It is both hard work and lots of fun.  All athletes need to demonstrate a 
positive attitude towards coaches, teammates, and officials.  You are expected to cooperate with all. Hazing or  harassment will not be tolerated, while fun is expected.

2. Practice begins at  3:00 and runs until approximately 5:00.  The vast majority of practices are held on campus.  Occasionally high school skiers may meet at an off site venue.

3.  Practices and ski meets are mandatory for all student/athletes.  Ifyou miss a practice or a meet, you  must have an excuse signed by your parent.  Absences for academic  reasons require prior approval.

4. Care must be used with all Spartan  Nordic equipment.  School skis need  to be protected and kept clean.   The  Nordic room must be kept cleanand free of wax build up.  All skiers  need to help clean on waxing days  until the room is cleaned.  Wax on;  wax off.

5.Practices and meets are a time to improve your fitness level  and todevelop your skills. Success is measured by effort, attitude and improvement as well as by race times.

6.  You live inMinnesota!  Anticipate snow, cold, wind or rain everyday.   Be preparedto add or remove layers of clothing to stay comfortable.   Proper winter dress is a safety issue.  Skiers need  to get in the habit of checking the weather forecasts.

7.  Academics are at the core of  your educational experience.  All athletes  must be making good
behavior and academic choices to stay active on the  team.  Students first; athletes second.

8. All team members must abideby the MSHSL rules and  #199 district athletic policies.  These are
minimum standards; we, of  course, expect better!

9.Communication is an important part of  any team.  Short notice changes in meet times and locations often occur due to weather conditions. Please check the blog often.

10.  We are a team of athletes from grade 6 to grade 12.  We work to meet the individual developmental needs of each skier.

11. The skills and the attitudes learned in athletics are  applicable toall aspects of life, it is an overt goal of the Spartan  Nordic Ski Team  to develop students to be happy, hardworking, goal  oriented andethical adults.  Learn, try and have a great season!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Nordic skiers,

We are looking forward to a great 2013-14 Simley Nordic Ski season! Glad you are able to join us on this year's adventure.

Important dates:
Monday, Oct. 28th at 3pm-Captain’s practice begins. Meet by the doors near the high school locker rooms. (Even if you can’t make it to captain’s practice, start running!)
Monday, Nov. 11th at 3pm-Practice begins. Meet outside the ski room. Come ready to run outside-prepared for the weather. Layers are key. No jeans.

Every athlete must have a current physical, signed by your doctor, on file.  If you don’t know if your physical is up to date, call the activities office.  You will not be allowed to practice without an updated physical.

It is not too early to start thinking about equipment.  There will again be skis and bindings available to new skiers, but you will still need to purchase or borrow boots and poles. The boots need to be compatible with SNS bindings. Returning skiers should already have or strongly consider buying their own equipment.  Here are some recommended places to shop for equipment:
    • Finn Sisu – St. Paul – 651.645.2443
    • Gear West – Long Lake – 952.473.0377
    • Hoigaards – St. Louis Park – 952.929.1351
    • Midwest Mountaineering – Minneapolis  – 612.339.3433
    • REI – Bloomington
    • Joe’s Sporting Goods – St. Paul – 651.488.5511
    • Check out and click on “gear” or follow the links to the “crowded classifieds” or “fall ski swaps”.

Feel free to contact either of us regarding any questions you may have about the season.

Coach Sedler
phone: 651-306-7073 (school) 612-751-0260 (cell)

Coach Anderson
phone: 651-306-7226 (school)  651-724-2639 (cell)

See you soon!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Nordic Ski Awards Banquet to be Held at 6 pm on Feb. 21st in the Middle School Library

 Please Join us in celebrating the completion of a fine ski season and the many successes of each student athlete.

Last names:
A-L Salad
N-P Main Dish
Q-Z Dessert

*Bring your own beverage*
Paper products will be provided.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Two Big Meets this Week with Set Times and Dates

First, good news on the Section 1 Championship on Feb. 5th.  We are back in town at Valleywood Golf Course,4851 McAndrews Rd, Apple Valley, MN.  Please make sure skiers have proper clothing and a healthy meal packed for a light lunch between races and for something to eat again after their second race. 

Race Time Schedule
9:30 Coaches Meeting Inside the New Clubhouse!
10:30 Boys Classic Race (one skier released every 15 seconds) 11:30 Girls Classic Race (one skier released every 15 seconds)

Rest Interval - Freestyle Bibs issued

2:00 Boys Freestyle Pursuit Race
3:00 Girls Freestyle Pursuit Race
Awards Ceremony will be conducted upon the completion of the final race

Next on our JV Classic Suburban Conference Championship will be held at Mahtomedi on Feb. 7th.  Races will begin at 3:30pm or as soon as all teams are present. The ski course is just to the north of the tennis courts on campus.  Please make sure all skiers have appropriate clothing.

3:30 - One lap race boys (intended for younger and/or first year skiers of lesser ability (and slower older skiers if need be))
3:35 – One lap race girls
(let skiers finish)
~3:50-4:00 – Two lap race boys
(let skiers get well into their second lap/finish)
~4:20-4:30 – Two lap race girls

This will be a skate event.  Mass start for each race.  One lap of our course is very close to 2.5 km.  The forecast looks great with a high near 30 and light winds.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

JV Conference Postponed Due to Cold Weather

We are postponing the JV Conference Race because of the cold temperatures.  We want a fun and safe environment for the skiers.  Friday and next Thursday are being tossed around, but no decision has been made yet.  Please stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Classic Suburban Conference Championship Results.

Great job Spatan Girls!  Everyone skied hard improved from last year.  Everyone was on the front page of the results sheet.  Here's a link to full results.

Place FIRST LAST YR SCHOOL AM Ttl Tm PM Ttl Tm Pursuit
1 Laura Moore 11 MAH 0:18:54 0:15:58 0:34:52
2 Madison Haugen 10 MAH 0:19:17 0:16:17 0:35:34
3 Erin Brault 11 RCH 0:19:50 0:16:27 0:36:18
4 Alex Benjamin 12 MAH 0:19:40 0:17:21 0:37:01
5 Clara Boyle 12 TAR 0:20:23 0:17:06 0:37:29
6 Shaelyn Sorensen 11 TAR 0:20:45 0:17:42 0:38:27
7 Lydia Anderson 11 TAR 0:21:15 0:17:38 0:38:53
8 Elsa Tostrud 12 HSB 0:21:15 0:17:46 0:39:01
9 Katie Ledermann 12 MAH 0:21:40 0:18:06 0:39:47
10 Allison Barrera 11 TAR 0:22:24 0:17:49 0:40:13
11 Bri Hanne 12 MAH 0:22:12 0:18:29 0:40:41
12 Heidi Ledermann 10 MAH 0:22:29 0:18:24 0:40:53
13 Leah Mohn 12 RCH 0:22:16 0:18:42 0:40:58
14 Laurel Youngquist 12 RCH 0:22:24 0:18:36 0:40:59
15 Jamie Herridge 8 HSB 0:23:16 0:18:00 0:41:16
16 Maddie McDermott 8 HSB 0:21:45 0:19:33 0:41:18
17 Cece Boyle 8 TAR 0:23:29 0:18:27 0:41:57
18 Karna Ringham 12 MAH 0:21:51 0:20:36 0:42:27
19 Jubilee Prosser 11 MAH 0:24:32 0:18:06 0:42:38
20 Liz Whitcomb 8 HSB 0:23:16 0:19:56 0:43:12
21 Diana Glebova 8 TAR 0:23:31 0:20:10 0:43:42
22 Ellee Thalhuber 12 TAR 0:23:20 0:20:22 0:43:42
23 Hannah Yaglowski 11 RCH 0:24:41 0:19:41 0:44:22
24 Kirby Steffens 12 HSB 0:24:26 0:20:15 0:44:42
25 Abby Rieser 10 NSP 0:22:43 0:22:07 0:44:50
26 Bethany Stiles 12 TAR 0:24:39 0:20:28 0:45:07
27 Lea Stang 9 SIM 0:25:00 0:21:03 0:46:03
28 Claire Anderson 7 SIM 0:25:26 0:20:58 0:46:24
29 Alex Schulz 12 RCH 0:26:14 0:20:22 0:46:36
30 Rachel Youngquist 10 RCH 0:25:44 0:20:54 0:46:38
31 Martha Wassweiler 11 HSB 0:26:03 0:21:25 0:47:28
32 Kendra Youngquist 12 TAR 0:26:35 0:21:05 0:47:40
33 Alyssa Long 11 MAH 0:26:09 0:21:37 0:47:46
34 Mady David 11 SIM 0:26:09 0:22:34 0:48:43
35 Solveig Omestad 11 HSB 0:26:40 0:22:12 0:48:53
36 Rachel Strom 11 RCH 0:27:51 0:21:18 0:49:09
37 Liz Souder 12 MAH 0:27:41 0:21:50 0:49:31
38 Sydney Roston 10 HSB 0:26:48 0:22:46 0:49:35
39 Jennie Lynch 11 RCH 0:26:12 0:24:06 0:50:18
40 Anna Buhl 12 TAR 0:27:35 0:22:55 0:50:29
41 Caroline Pippert 10 SIM 0:27:13 0:23:29 0:50:42
42 Larisa Larson 9 SIM 0:30:21 0:23:20 0:53:41
43 Rachel Ericson 11 NSP 0:28:56 0:26:15 0:55:11
44 Taylor Thiets 9 NSP 0:31:45 0:26:47 0:58:32
45 Natalie Huntley 10 NSP 0:29:04 0:29:30 0:58:34
46 Taylor Hardy 10 RCH 0:39:43 0:27:23 1:07:07

2013 Girls Team Standings
Place Team Points
1 Mahtomedi 478
2 Tartan 460
3 Richfield 423
4 Henry Sibley 422
5 Simley 333
6 North St Paul 247

Monday, January 28, 2013

CONFERENCE MEET - January 29th, 2013 at Battle Creek Recreation Center. (75 Winthrop St. S. St. Paul)(651-501-6347)

Yeah for snow!  We will be holding the conference meet at it's originally scheduled venue.  Here is the schedule for the day.
            A.  Starting Times:
                        Coaches Meeting                   9:00 am
                        Boys Classical Race               10:00 am
                        Girls Classical Race               11:00 am
                        Boys Pursuit Skate                1:00 pm                                 
                        Girls Pursuit Skate                2:00 pm
Awards                                   3:00 pm

All Conference selections shall be awarded as follows:
1. Top 10 finishers in the boy’s pursuit race
2. Top 9 finishers in the girl’s pursuit race
3. Honorable Mention shall be granted to boys finishing in the 11th to 20th positions and to girls finishing in the 10th to 19th positions.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Conference Meet Scheudle

CONFERENCE MEET - January 29th, 2013 at Trollhaugen     
            A.  Starting Times:
                         Coaches Meeting                   9:00 am
                        Boys Classical Race               10:00 am
                        Girls Classical Race               11:00 am
                        Boys Pursuit Skate                1:00 pm                                 
                        Girls Pursuit Skate                2:00 pm
Awards                                   3:00 pm

B.         Boy's Individual distance shall be a maximum of 5K.
            C.         Girl's Individual distance shall be a maximum of 5K.
            D.         Scoring for team points determined by the top 5 positions from each team  

Based on the results of the pursuit race.  All finishers will be ranked and score points.

I predict we will be back at school around 5pm.